
first 100 users get a free taiyaki 3D print!


Imagine it. Manufacture it.

Imagine it. Manufacture it.

Text-to-Product. Image-to-Product.

Delivered to Your Door at Lightning Speed.

Text-to-Product. Image-to-Product.

Delivered to Your Door at Lightning Speed.

Text-to-Product. Image-to-Product.

Delivered to Your Door.

Imagine it. Manufacture it.

first 100 users get a free taiyaki 3D print!

Tell us what you want.

Type in what you want in words, inspiration pictures, or exact images of what you would like your product to be.

Your idea, made with AI.

Our AI tools help bring your vision to life, generating stunning visuals tailored to your ideas. Use our editing features to refine and perfect your designs.

We make it real.

Using cutting-edge AI, we create 3D renderings of your final product. Customize your design with a range of materials and manufacturing processes.

Your final product.

Buy it and get it shipped and delivered to your door, in your hands.


Who are we?

What file formats do you support?

Do I need CAD or engineering expertise to use taiyaki.ai?

Who are we?

What file formats do you support?

Do I need CAD or engineering expertise to use taiyaki.ai?

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taiyaki ai

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first 100 users get a free taiyaki 3D print!